Could It Be? Is Peppa Pig Actually the Devil!?

Thing One: I really don’t quite like you, Mummy.
Me: Oh? That’s a shame because I love you.
Thing One: Nope. I don’t really love you either.

(10 minutes of stony silence later…)

Thing One: I’m sorry, Mummy! I like you NOW. I quite love you NOW. I really like you
because I want to watch Peppa Pig. Okay? I love you a lot NOW, Mummy….Can I watch Peppa?

Living in Japan, we have decided that owning a television is a waste of time and money. I once watched a 30 minute program where a gentleman sat at a table with a group of people, who laughed while he ate tissues from a Kleenex box. To this day, I’m baffled.

Of course, we have tons of books for the kids, but every so often an “electronic babysitter” while Mummy chugs a glass of wine…erm, a cup of tea, I mean… in the kitchen is a god-send.

Peppa Pig seemed a good choice. But what IS it about that dastardly pig that turns children into screaming banshees with British accents!?

Thing One is the worst. He begs, pleads and generally wears me down until I very much against my will agree to pop on a bit of Peppa via YouTube.

Following all parenting advice, I set time limits, give warnings of time passing, and generally threaten his continued existence if he even so much as grumbles about turning it off and yet, the inevitable meltdown ensues the very SECOND Peppa disappears from the screen.

As a result, Peppa is generally banned overall and is only ever offered as a “special treat”.

But I have to admit, the week-long affectation of a proper British accent, following a mere 30 minutes of Peppa Pig, almost makes it all worth it.

Thing One: Might I trouble you for a spot of tea, please, Mummy?

Oh…my heart.

My First Blog Post

Don’t let our innocent faces fool you…

Friend: What’s parenting like?

Me: You know all the side effects they list on the prescription drug commercials? It’s like that.

– Unknown

Okay…so I haven’t ACTUALLY fed my kids to a rabid kangaroo…yet. Let’s just say it’s not entirely off the table. This is the first post on my new blog about being a foreigner raising kids in Japan. I’m hoping these stories will make you laugh or at least sympathise. I’m just getting this new blog going, so stay tuned for more. Subscribe below to get notified when I post new updates.

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